Sunday, April 11, 2010

Who's That Girl?

Post 101 finds me reflective.  At a party last night, a guy I don't know heard my name and asked me if I was "that writer."  And I took a beat.  After a moment, I realized he was asking either about the dead, African-American male novelist who shared my name or the East Coast comedienne whose life is oddly similar to mine.  She's not me for many reasons - not the least of which including the facts that she is shorter, younger, and from Boston.  She is married to a rabbi and has young children.  But she, my East Coast namesake, actually makes a living as a writer.  She has a website and has published books.  She's a guest columnist for various publications and is known for her wit and wordsmithery.  I have no such following and squeeze in a blog post or two between hectic days and restless job anxiety.  

I thought about what it would be like if I could answer, "YES!"   And then I fantasized for a split second about the conversations that could have followed.  In one version, the stranger compliments me and quotes a life-changing passage from one of my books.  In another, he berates me for sloppy syntax or half-baked declarations.  But neither of those moments were going to come to pass.  And so, after taking a beat I answered, “no, that’s someone else.”  But I really wanted it to be me.  I really wanted to be the writer that matched my name and not the girl at the party that people know because of the desk she sits behind...


mermaid gallery said...

We are all in charge of our own should have said Yes....because yes, you do write....

Anonymous said...

believe me, there are many people in your life who would still love you and enjoy your company if you didn't sit behind that Very Important Desk. or any desk, for that matter.

So Lovely said...

I understand completely. I didn't start to feel like myself until I left the constraints of "corporate life" and started my own company. Now at least I have time to do things I really want to do but there are still days when I'd like to throw it all in and open a surf shop right on the beach and surf every day. x